This is an online e log book to discuss our patient’s de- identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient’s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book reflects my patient centered online portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments is welcome. January 11,2022. Name:M.Tejaswini Roll No:81 9th semester 29 YEARS OLD FEMALE WITH C/O JOINT PAINS and ITCH SKIN LESIONS SINCE 10 MONTHS 29 year old female came to the op with *Chief complaints of :- •Bilateral joint pains in u pper and lower limbs(knees, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, including small joints) since 10 months. •Itchy lesions over the face,upper aspect of the chest, neck and back of the neck and upper trunk with dark coloured lesions over the knuckles since 10 months. ...