
Locally made alcohol is not prepared under asegtic conditions ,it could be bacterially contaminated.

This could have lead to liver abscess in this patient.


Most likely this is due to the unhygienic practices commonly seen at the drinking taverns or cottages in many tropical countries.

The important finding observed in most of the studies is that majority of ALA patients are from a poor socioeconomic background and are manual laborers .

Poor hygiene has been associated with increased risk of amoebic liver abscesses and is directly proportionate to disease progression and extent of liver injury

Parasite cysts are transmitted through contaminated food and water, making the incidence of disease high in areas of poor sanitation. 

asymptomatic intestinal amoebiasis is also common

ethanol could influence several factors to make individuals infected with amoeba to develop extraintestinal invasion. 

Alcohol has a significant influence on both cell-mediated and humoral immunity

acute alcohol consumption and chronic alcohol consumption suppress almost all the components of the immune system, including initial response to a pathogen and the tumor surveillance system .

Alcohol suppresses function of Kupffer cells in liver, which has important role in clearing the amoebae.

Alcohol-induced hyperpermeability and dysbiosis of intestinal bacteria may both contribute to the pathological effects of alcohol, permitting the entry of Entamoeba histolytica into the blood

Leading to liver inflammation an abcess


Liver abscess is more common in right lobe because right lobe receives blood from superior mesenteric and portal veins.


. –Abscess not responding to medical theray.

      - Impending rupture



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